A Word from our Co-Founder

When I began my journey of education around human trafficking, there were few resources and
almost no way to understand the full scope of the problem.
In the annual Trafficking in Persons report from the State Department, the United States alone
reported over 66,000 attempts to contact for assistance and over 10,000 identified victims in
2021.* We believe even one is too many.
We need education and strategic action to move us into positive solutions to eliminate human
trafficking in local communities. While movies sensationalize children being kidnapped
and sold into other countries, we know that many children are being trafficked at night and still
attend school and do other activities during the day.
Freedom will occur with widespread and multifaceted prevention, intervention, rescue, and
restoration for those who have experienced human trafficking or exploitation.

As a survivor-led agency, we focus on Lived Expertise in every part of our training materials. We
are not only committed to understanding how to break down the snares of trafficking but giving
an active voice to our lived experience community members. Our goal is to make fighting
human trafficking so normal it doesn’t take a great effort in our communities but includes
everyday activities so commonplace that everyone can be a part of the abolitionist movement.
We will fight to bring freedom to every community.

Your Fellow Abolitionist,
Zona Garrett, COO Bring Freedom

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