Vision Statement: To end human trafficking through education that leads to action.

Mission Statement :  To activate Individuals and Communities to fight human trafficking and exploitation until every one is restored through education, trainings, and practical guides.

Bring Freedom equips people to have a specific response to human trafficking within their communities. We concentrate on education, action plans, and connection.

Since 2013, LifeKeys2Freedom has been active as an anti-trafficking organization. Our work has extended from a government anti-trafficking task force, local education and training, as well as our work with local families to prevent individuals and families from exploitation. Bring Freedom is our newest branch of a long term strategy to further education that leads to action.

Zona Garrett is Co-Founder and Chief Operating Officer. She’s a person with lived experience of trafficking and homelessness. She has worked for over thirteen years with organizations such as Center to Restore Trafficked and Exploited Children, Operation Refuge, Underground Railroad, and others throughout the rescue and restoration process.

Dixie Canuso is Co-Founder and Chief Information Officer. Through years of prayer and worship, the Lord set her heart on fire for this justice issue. She has been an advocate in the anti-trafficking movement since 2010, working in organizations such as Florida Abolitionist, the National Weekend of Prayer to End Slavery and Trafficking, The Set Free Project, and Trades of Hope. She is also the co-founder of the awareness and prayer initiative Faith4Justice.

Lisa Newman (right) is the Founder and CEO of LifeKeys2Freedom Inc.  She’s a mother of 6 children and has lived experience in walking out the discovery and restoration of sex trafficking for one of her own children.  Her family didn’t meet the typical statistics and is a true story of how no one is immune from sex trafficking, which occurs daily in our own backyards.   

Tamra Shipley (left) is the Co-Founder and CFO of LifeKeys 2 Freedom Inc. She’s a mother of 2 children and has lived experience in walking through the justice system upon discovery and disclosure of child sexual abuse and trafficking.  

They are both Registered Nurses and have been working behind the scenes since 2011 with families affected by sexual abuse, exploitation, and trafficking.     

Core Values: We are an organization committed to prevention and awareness of human trafficking in all forms in order to maintain whole and healthy families and communities throughout the U.S. 

Practice high ethical standards in all areas.

Respect and protect individuals.

Create safe spaces for children.

There’s no such thing as a stupid question.

Taking messy action.

Joy is a strength

Innovation and Failing forward.

Start where you are, with what you have.

Believe the best about others

Assume the position of curiosity, connection, caring.

Building team through fun, encouragement, and radical honesty.

Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion 

Resilience and Grit

Bring Freedom does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, religion, sex, age, national origin, ancestry, familial status, marital status, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, citizenship status, disability, or and other characteristics protected by applicable law.